Update your own profile

1.   Click on your name on the top right hand side of the screen to reveal the Uer Menu

2.   Click on “Edit Profile”

3.   Click on the Dashboard that the graph you wish to edit is hosted on.

4.   Items to change include your profile picture name, email address (which is used to log in with) and your password.

5.   Click on the green “Save Changes” when complete

Study Administrators will also be able to Edit User profiles via the Researchers tab.

1.   Click on a Study Tile from your ‘My Studies’ page. This will bring you to the Info Page:

2.   Navigate to the “Researchers” tab

3.   Click on the Researcher you wish to edit.

4.   Items to change include your profile picture name, email address (which is used to log in with) and the name to appear in data collected.

5.   Study Administrators will be able to change permission levels:

 – Administrators can add studies and researchers.
– Study Coordinators can add other researchers.
– Researchers can only access studies to collect data.