
A data collection tool to record information via a Counter, General Timer and/or a Note / Comment Timer. It gives the option to record events associated to that task individually or include an overall timer as well.


A data collection tool to collect time periods for a task or event where the Researcher can record what tasks occurred during that period

Note / Comment Timer

A data collection tool to collect time periods for a task or event where the Researcher can make their own comments on what that time was for

Grouped Timer

A data collection tool to collect groups of time to tasks or events that can only occur one at a time


A data collection tool to record a period of time for a task / event


A data collection tool to count the occurrence or quantity of something

Time and Motion

A type of observational Study where the time it takes for a participant (ie: Observed) to complete a set of tasks is recorded


An App Template button type A type of multiple choice answer set for a Survey question where the participant can select multiple answer


An App Template button type A type of multiple choice answer set for a Survey question where the participant can select multiple answers for a single question


An App Template button type A type of multiple choice answer set for a Survey question where answers to a question are listed in a dropdown box from which only one answer can be selected

Radio Button

An App Template button type A type of multiple choice answer set for a Survey question where only one answer can be selected by the participant

Free Text

An App Template button type A method allowing participants to leave their own words as an answer