Video E-Consent
Ongoing Study

Ensuring patients are providing informed consent before a hospital procedure can be challenging. Unfamiliar medical terminology can lead to low comprehension rates, resulting in unnecessary patient suffering post surgery.

What is the Purpose of this Study?

a Victorian HospitalCare and Consentic, a Video Consent forms provider are teaming up with Cogniom to prove that cartoon video animations can improve patient comprehension rates, provide better experiences for patients and care teams, decrease accidental surgical mistakes, and lower rates of malpractice claims.

What you get with this study bundle.

The study bundle is pre-configured to give you the results you need on our clean dashboards as quickly and simply as possible.

Researchers have access to our data collection app that is easily used on the device of their choice, there’s no need for any extra hardware purchasing or to download any apps.  Simply log in to TANDM and start recording data.

As researchers collect data – you can see the dashboards of result populate in real-time.





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Costed tasks

Each task in this study can have a cost associated with it, so that real times costs can be calculated.  Whether the cost of the task itself, the work role being researched, or consumables used throughout the day, you can report real numbers instantly.

Automated Real Time Dashboards

We’ve taken the hard work out of reporting for you.  This study bundle comes with pre-defined graphs of breakdowns of your different roles to suit your industry.

Out of the box it’s set up for roles in Aged Care – but if you need those changed we can work with you to make it perfect.

Fully Customisable

We’ve worked hard to make TANDM as customisable as possible, so if this bundle doesn’t fit you out of the box, don’t panic, we can work with you to customise it to meet your needs.

Real Time Data

Data from the researchers hits the dashboards in real time.  No more waiting months until reports are collated, see the results instantly.

Benefits Realisation

When changing workflows or equipment in the workplace, you’re looking for a benefit, no-one’s doing this for the fun of it!

TANDM Suite and this study bundle is perfectly suited to performing multiple studies in obtaining a baseline, and then continuous improvement and benefits realisation gong forward.

Integrating observational studies, quickly and easily repeatable, with reporting in real time, enables your organisation to respond to change rapidly and with confidence.

Modify to suit your needs.

Either use the bundle straight out of the box, or work with our consultants to customise the study to better suit your organisation.

Each role you monitor is fully customisable – you can change what the roles are and also the set of tasks each role might perform.  This enables you to get a more complete picture of work carried out within the organisation.

Start with TANDM

Start collecting your data for this study at the click of a button.  Once you proceed you can start collecting data and begin to see results reporting in real time.