Did you miss the workshops?
Pack More Impact into your Conversations by Knowing your Return on Investment.
If you struggle to to get your ideas heard with potential customers or in your organization, our first workshop will go through several key toolkits to help you on your way.
From it you’ll be able to:
(1) quantify the impact of your idea;
(2) show return on investment with leadership; &
(3) generate data to support your argument even if you don’t have any to start with.
We’ll help you through each step of the process and at the end you be able to generate a business case that creates buzz and action.
Turning Hidden Costs into Revenue Opportunities with a DILO Study.
If you’re struggling to identify where problems are occurring within your business, join us again at the end of the month for workshop number two where we’ll dive into how the great divide between management and front line staff can negatively impact business outcomes.
From it, you’ll be able to
(1) understand how a day unfolds for frontline staff;
(2) identify where ineffeciencies lay in current processes; &
(3) make data driven decisions that positively impact your business.
Together we’ll work through the importance of understanding the ‘current state’ of your business, how to measure time, costs and experiences and how to identify the right changes for your future.
Know Your Impact!
Whether you are:
– a business looking to prove the return on investment you provide when others engage in your services;
– a business leader looking to identify ROI potential from a change or transformation project
– a team player creating a business case to prove the value of an internal process change;
Learn about WHY knowing your RETURN ON INVESTMENT potential is key to a productive conversationand HOW your can identify your ROI opportunities!