Cogniom Insights

Between our start up journey and individual career experiences,
we’ve picked up a thing or two.

Here are some of our learnings and insight snippets….

How Communication in Healthcare is Changing

How Communication in Healthcare is Changing

From Clubhouse sessions with guest speakers: Robert Buehrig (CEO at Cogniom) Ben Magid (CEO at VirtualCare) Katja Beitat (Digital Health Consulting) Luke Fletcher (Foxo) Stephen Vlok (Celo Health) Dr Andrew Yap (MedTasker) Technology and innovation have provided us...

Top 10 Reasons Why Startups Fail

Top 10 Reasons Why Startups Fail

Startup life isn't always the glitz and glamour and easy found success that social media portrays.  Mostly, its filled with learning, mistakes, pivots, late nights and more learning. These aren't necessarily bad things, they make us stronger and more determined to...

Digital Transformation isn’t a one time gig.

Digital Transformation isn’t a one time gig.

Digital Transformation has been a hot topic for some time, being thrown around so often it's almost lost any meaning. The term even comes with its own matching cliche comments like... "Digital Transformation isn't coming, it's here today" "We must embrace change and...

Where Health Start Ups and Medtechs Come Undone

Where Health Start Ups and Medtechs Come Undone

As a startup with a healthcare focus we are often met with comments like "Ew.. healthcare is so hard, why would you start there?" Firstly, because nurses and healthcare practitioners are amazing and we want to work with and help them. Secondly, from wearables to AI,...