Making Time with a Victorian HospitalCare.

I remember being a kid growing up and relishing how slowly the days would roll by. Getting lost in play time after school until the sun set before it was time for dinner,  watching cartoons in the morning wondering why Mum was always telling me to hurry up and get ready, and how those wondrously long end of year holidays seemed to last forever.

Nowadays, it seems like you finish making your morning coffee and its suddenly 2pm, you look up from writing an email to a client and its suddenly next Tuesday, and when you wrap up a meeting with the team you walk out to find its suddenly July!

It feels like the Earth’s trip around the Sun has been put on fast forward and with time becoming the most precious commodity, how do we make the most of it?

Since the arrival of COVID-19 the concept of time has changed and control over how we spend it has largely been taken away from us with lockdown restrictions in place. Now, whether we’re ready or not, change has been thrust upon us, and those conversations about innovation and embracing said change can no longer just be a future goal. Those opportunities are right here on our doorstep and time simply will not wait.

So, when conversations with a Victorian HospitalCare reignited after a pandemic pause, we were delighted for the opportunity to work with them on such an innovative project. Not only are we excited to be involved with a great healthcare institution, we are also thrilled to be working with a fellow start up – Consentic.

The Clinical Research team at Epworth know only too well how precious time is and have embarked on a pilot project with Consentic.

Consentic specialise in transforming paper based and cumbersome consent methods to an electronic process. Using the TANDM Suite they’ll be able to analyse the difference between the two processes and prove just how much valuable time this innovation will save.

Currently, the paper-based consent process is labour intensive for Epworth staff and limits the number of patients they can interact with and prepare for surgical procedures. Patients are lumped with long forms filled with medical language that can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming. Consentic transform these forms into easily digestible animated videos for patients to watch. Not only will these videos drastically reduce the time for the process to be completed but will also help patients have a clear understanding of the procedure they will be undergoing.

The Epworth team will use the TANDM Suite to compare the current process with the Consentic videos over a 12 month period. They will be able to access instant results on time spent preparing, delivering and conversing with patients as well as the instances of consent received. The in-built economic tools will also assist them to measure and compare labour costs as well as identify potential savings and increased revenue opportunities.

Epworth estimate using Consentic will create enough of a time saving that it will significantly increase the number of patients the team will be able to look after. They also believe with the better understanding from the patient it will provide a higher consent rate for surgery.

We’re incredibly excited to be part of this journey with Epworth and Consentic and using data to prove the power and value of innovation.

While we may not be able to control how quickly time seems to flash by us, we can control how we use it. Embracing new methodologies, technologies and processes doesn’t have to be as scary as it sounds.

And when we can just as effectively prove the value of innovation, we give ourselves a better chance at achieving the best outcomes for all. Now more than ever we need to embrace that there is no going “back to normal” and that innovation is an integral part of building our new one.

In this new age of accelerated change, the team and I feel so incredibly lucky that not only do we get to help healthcare facilities and businesses understand where they can make to most effective change for a brighter future,  but also help start up and scale up business prove just how valuable their innovations are.

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