31 Oct, 2020 | TANDM Suite Updates
A ‘ KINDER ‘ TANDM SUITE Currently, your log in will take you to the original TANDM Suite Admin page, simply click on 1. Your User name 2. Select ‘Try New UX’ and you will be redirected to the new look interface. The side navigation is much...
6 Oct, 2020 | Cogniom Insights
Startup life isn’t always the glitz and glamour and easy found success that social media portrays. Mostly, its filled with learning, mistakes, pivots, late nights and more learning. These aren’t necessarily bad things, they make us stronger and more...
16 Sep, 2020 | Podcasts and Appearances
Robert had the absolute pleasure of joining Peter Birch on a recent episode of the Talking HealthTech podcast. “Helping healthtech start ups demonstrate Return on Investment” You can check out the full episode here. Robert Buehrig is the co-founder and...
31 Aug, 2020 | Cogniom Insights
Digital Transformation has been a hot topic for some time, being thrown around so often it’s almost lost any meaning. The term even comes with its own matching cliche comments like… “Digital Transformation isn’t coming, it’s here...
20 Aug, 2020 | Cogniom Insights
As a startup with a healthcare focus we are often met with comments like “Ew.. healthcare is so hard, why would you start there?” Firstly, because nurses and healthcare practitioners are amazing and we want to work with and help them. Secondly, from...
16 Aug, 2020 | Investor Updates
In This Episode: – Adding ‘Software Partner’ to the resume – Back to the Cogniom future – A ‘Kinder TANDM’ – Media revamps – Continuous Improvement When you’re at the beginning of your start up journey you often...
15 Jul, 2020 | Investor Updates
IN THIS EPISODE: > Advance Queensland Ignite Ideas Fund > Robert Buehrig, the PR dream > Welcome to our new investor > Market Trends and Customer Segments > Becoming the source of learning Advance QLD Ignite Ideas Fund FINALLY!!! The news Zoe has been...