Our Journey.

Stemming from:


the act of acquiring knowledge; and


defining a fact that is self-evidently true

Cogniom’s mission is to discover new truths that lead to better technologies
and solutions.

It’s from seeking truth and understanding that the TANDM Suite was born, and it now allows us to help others use data to make educated decisions for their future.

Meet Cogniom.

Founding Team.

Robert Buehrig







Head of R & D

Advisory Board.



Janelle van
de Velde

Prof. Peter Hewett

Cogniom Blogs.

Nov | 2022 – The Giving of Thanks

Nov | 2022 – The Giving of Thanks

And just like that, we're at the pointy end of the year.  Suddenly, the shops are filled with tinsel, Mariah Carey is making her annual comeback and those who know are warming up for Whamageddon 2022.   The time between holiday seasons seem to get shorter...

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Oct | 2022 – Are We Inadvertently Killing Innovation?

Oct | 2022 – Are We Inadvertently Killing Innovation?

None of us are strangers to an idea.   We've had the good ones, the crazy ones and those ones we wish we could tell our 20 year old self... that's probably not a good one.When it comes to innovation, ideas are the foundation. Any good innovator / inventor /...

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Sept | 2022 – The Butterfly Effect of Decision Making

Sept | 2022 – The Butterfly Effect of Decision Making

We've all heard of the concept of the Butterfly Effect - the idea that small things can have non-linear impacts on a complex system.. The concept is imagined with a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a cyclone or typhoon. Of course, a single act like the...

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Aug 2022 | Is Your Solution the Right Solution

Aug 2022 | Is Your Solution the Right Solution

Last month we embraced our inner child and chatted about the importance of asking WHY in business.  WHY? Because understanding the true cause of a problem is half the battle to ensuring the right solution is implemented. With that said... solution implementation can...

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July 2022 | The Art of Asking WHY in Business

July 2022 | The Art of Asking WHY in Business

But... Whhhhhyyyyyyyy??We’ve all encountered it. It’s right up there with the ever delightful “Are we there yet?!”.   The little people in our lives and their unrelenting ‘why’ questioning, most times, make us want to pull our hair out, but on occasion they do...

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JUNE 2022 | Introducing Change… This Time With Empathy

JUNE 2022 | Introducing Change… This Time With Empathy

We are creatures of habit.. and as creatures of habit we tend to find changes annoying and an inconvenience. Think about every time you’ve been forced to update your phone, found your favourite restaurant has changed their menu or when daylight savings time strikes...

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MAY 2022 | Know Your Impact

MAY 2022 | Know Your Impact

We spoke in March about the importance of measuring return on investment... and more importantly, measuring it correctly. That while a feel good story has its place in a pitch, you should also be armed with facts. Facts that prove value, whether portrayed as time,...

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MAR 2022 | Return on Investment…. Are you doing it right?

MAR 2022 | Return on Investment…. Are you doing it right?

"I saved millions in labour costs!" ...But did you? Really?Sometimes we get lost in the wrong story, or the wrong details when delivering a pitch. Whether we’re pitching an idea internally or selling a product/service to a potential client, often we’ll get lost in the...

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